Land Use Enforcement​

Development Services Department
4700 Elmore Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
(907) 343-4141

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 pm

How do I file a complaint?

There are three ways to file a zoning complaint:​

  1. Open a service request on line at #ANCWorks!​
  2. Call the Code Violation Hotline at 343-4141.
  3. Call the Municipal Ombudsman's office.

What information must I provide to file a complaint?

  1. Address or Legal Description
    The exact address or legal description of the property where the violation is taking place must be provided.  General descriptions or directions are not sufficient.  If the property is a vacant lot, you can say that it is "the lot to the east of 4700 South Bragaw" or in some other way reference it to a known address.  We need to know the precise location partly because if we have to obtain a search warrant to enter the property, the judge  will require an exact location.
  2. Description of code violation
    A detailed description of the activity or structure you believe to be a code violation.
  3. Name of Violator
    The name of the violator or property owner or tenant, if you know it.
  4. Your name and phone number
    Your name and other identifying information is confidential and protected by AMC 3.90.040​D.  We cannot accept anonymous complaints.  If you feel that you cannot identify yourself to us, you may file your complaint through the Municipal Ombudsman's office.  When they refer the case to us, the complainant will be the ombudsman's office - not you.

What happens after I file a complaint?

Once a complaint is filed, it will be assigned a tracking number.  ​If you don't know the case number, it can be looked up with the address or property owner's name.

All complaints are entered into a database that allows the field officers and the administrative staff to keep track of cases electronically so complaints don't "slip through the cracks."  Once complaints or investigation notes are entered into the database they cannot be altered or erased.

The Land Use Enforcement Division has an established process for resolving violations.  The municipal code also allows for private enforcement actions​ and gives residents access to the same administrative hearing process that Land Use Enforcement uses.