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Anchorage's smart commuters use RideShare vanpooling to save money, reduce stress, reduce traffic, and improve air quality. The Municipality of Anchorage, Public Transportation Department provides vanpool group subsidies and oversight of Commute with Enterprise, hired to manage and operate vanpooling for the Anchorage commute area.

Let vanpooling get you on the road to a better commute.

A vanpool is a group of five or more riders who work and travel at agreed upon times, days and locations. Whether you want to join a vanpool or already have a group of co-workers gathered, the designated vanpool coordinator will determine a convenient start date, meeting time and number of pick-up points along the way. Once that has been determined, vanpoolers are ready to get started. Vanpool members will receive the following benefits in one low, monthly rate plus fuel costs, along with:

  • Reliable, well-equipped vehicle providing all the comforts of a luxury vehicle.
  • Scheduled service and maintenance to guarantee complete vanpool safety.
  • 24-hour roadside assistance.
  • Driver safety training from the National Safety Council.
  • Primary Auto Liability Insurance and no deductible for Comprehensive and Collision.
  • Administrative support and ride-matching.
  • Month-to-month flexibility so you can vanpool according to your needs.
  • Guaranteed Ride Home Program.
  • Month-to-month subsidy incentives for qualified vehicle occupancy.

If you or your group is ready to start vanpooling, call or email today.

Learn More About Vanpooling

Click here to visit the "Commute with Enterprise" website

In Anchorage call 907.245.6502 with voicemail or email Kelly.Sheridan@ehi.com.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Office Location: 510 E. International Airport Rd., Anchorage, AK 99518

After hours 24/7 assistance is available at 1.800.VAN-4-WORK (1.800.826.4967)​

​​​​​​Connect with RideShare