The Anchorage Community Opioid Response Network (ACORN) is a coalition of community organizations, youth, adults, and governmental and tribal agencies who are focused on leveraging resources and data to create a comprehensive plan to reduce lives lost to substance use in Anchorage. The ACORN will be an asset to Anchorage in the management of the substance use crisis to promote a healthier and safer community.
The Anchorage Community Opioid Response Network was created in response to pharmaceutical companies’ legal settlement with the State of Alaska due to the flooding of the market with prescription opioids. The State of Alaska will receive approximately $58 million dollars in opioid settlement funds over 18 years and a percentage of those funds are being distributed to the Municipality of Anchorage to prevent and address opioid use.
The Anchorage Health Department is the steward of the opioid settlement funds for the Municipality of Anchorage and is the convening agency for the ACORN. The opioid settlements funds can only be used for recommended evidence-based strategies outlined in the settlement Exhibit E (see documents below) and unspent funds remain in the dedicated opioid remediation fund and roll over at the end of every year.
Quarterly Meetings
The Anchorage Community Opioid Response Network meets quarterly, with an in-person and virtual option. The next meeting is:
Thursday, March 20th
Anchorage Health Department, Conference Room 423
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 248 835 038 82
Passcode: NvWLrw
Download Teams | Join on the web
Town Halls
The Anchorage Community Opioid Response Network is hosting quarterly town halls, which are open to the public, for people to come together, share how opioids have impacted them or loved ones, and discuss solutions for the Anchorage community. All are welcome to attend.
Exhibit E - List of Opioid Remediation Uses
2019 AHD Substance Misuse Community Assessment (full document)
2019 AHD Substance Misuse Community Assessment Summary
State of Alaska Statewide Opioid Action Plan
State of Alaska 2022 Drug Overdose Mortality Report