2024 Audit Reports
2024-01 Cash Control Procedures; Solid Waste Services; 02/08/2024; (1.3 mb)
2024-02 Language Access Policy; Office of the Mayor; 02/08/2024; (2.6 mb)
2024-03 Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program, Anchorage Health Department, 04/11/2024; (1.2 MB)
2024-04 Key and Lock Control, Operation and Maintenance Division, Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, 5/9/2024; (2.4 MB)
2024-05 Clinics Cash Controls, Anchorage Health Department, 7/17/2024; (2.2 MB)
2024-06 Annual Municipal Procurement Card Review, Purchasing Department, 10/9/2024; (2.2 MB)
2024-07 Police and Fire Retiree Medical Trust 3-Year Review, Human Resources Department, 12/3/2024; (1.6 MB)
2024-08 Child Care Licensing Program, Anchorage Health Department, 12/17/2024; (4.5 MB)