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Forfeiture Vehicles

If a driver is convicted of the charges and he/she has had a prior conviction for DUI, DWLR/S/C, Solicitation, or more than one prior conviction on a DWOI, the driver's interest in the vehicle will be forfeited to the Municipality.  In this instance there are several options for the registered owner (provided he/she was not the driver or passenger at the time of the incident).

A registered owner can bond out the vehicle.  In this instance the registered owner pays the administrative fee of $410.00 plus a bond amount that is determined by the age of the vehicle.

Age of vehicle   Bond Amount
Less than 5 years  $2,500
Between 5 and 10 year  $2,000
Between 10 and 15 years  $1,500
Between 15 and 20 years  $1,000
20 years or older  $500

The owner will still be required to pay towing and storage.  If the owner chooses this option, and the driver is convicted of the charges against him, the owner will have 5 days after the conviction to return the car to the impound lot and receive a refund of the bond.  Failure to timely return the vehicle in good condition will result in loss of the bond and a lawsuit against the owner for the value of the car.

The registered owner (if not the driver or passenger at the time of the impound) can sign a stipulation.  A stipulation is a document that the registered owner signs indicating that he/she will not let the same driver drive the vehicle without a valid license, while under the influence or without proper insurance.  If that person is caught driving the vehicle with an invalid license, under the influence or without proper insurance, the vehicle will be forfeited and auctioned by the City.  This option will cost either $720.00 (if there is only one charge against the driver), $820.00 (if there is more than one charge against the driver), plus towing and storage, or 1/2 equity plus $520, depending on the case.

The vehicle can stay at the impound lot until the driver is sentenced.  If the driver is convicted, the Municipality of Anchorage will receive the driver's interest.  If the driver is the only registered owner and there is no lienholder and the driver is convicted of the charges, the vehicle will be forfeited to the Municipality and will be put up for auction.

If you do not retrieve your personal property from the vehicle, the property may be sold at auction.