A trail in the forest
Anchorage Parks and Recreation


​​​​​​​Welcome to Anchorage’s Adopt-A-Trail program! This program recruits, trains, and supports individuals and groups who want to take an active role in keeping our trail system healthy and clean for everyone to enjoy. 

​​​​How to Adopt-A-Trail?​

  1. Select a section of trail to adopt! 
    Consider choosing a section of trail that you frequent regularly or that is close to home. 

  2. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator: Contact the volunteer coordinator at 907-343-4587 or ellen.devine@anchorageak.gov to inquiry about the park and get the paperwork to start the adoption process. 

  3. Orientation​:Once your park is officially adopted, our volunteer coordination staff will send an orientation packet and additional information to schedule you first cleanup. ​​​​

​​​​​Adopt-a-Park FAQs​

Who can Adopt a Trail? ​ 

Everyone is welcome! Volunteers can be community groups, organizations, neighborhood associations, faith-based organizations, youth groups, families, or any individual that want to make a difference in Anchorage and have an interest in keeping our trails safe and clean.​

  • ​Adopters under 18-years-old need a waiver signed by a parent/guardian. ​

What is the Time Commitment?​

  • A minimum of a one-year agreement that can be renewed at the end of the time period
  • Volunteers are asked to complete a minimum of four cleanups per year

What are the Expectations?

  • ​​​​Volunteers are expected to complete a minimum of four cleanups per year
  • ​Monitor your trail for safety and vandalism
  • Upon appoval, Adopters can arrange additional projects including planting, painting, mulching, removing weeds, etc. To arrange additional volunteer opportunities contact the Volunteer Office at 907-343-4587. 
  • Report Volunteer Hours​: Once you successfully adopt a park, volunteers are asked to keep track of volunteer contributions via our volunteer coordination platform, POINT. Every hour you spend caring for our parks makes a difference, and reporting your time helps us recognize your efforts and keep our program strong.

What are the Benefits? 

  • Tools: ​With advance notice, volunteers can pick up cleanup supplies including nitrile gloves, garbage bags, garbage buckets, and litter pickers from our volunteer supply shed. 
  • Trash Pickup: Are you scheduling a big cleanup? Let us know and we will arrange for our maintenance crew to pick up full bags at the end of your event. 
  • Sign​: After successfully completing your first cleanup event, we will put up an Adopt-A-Trail​ sign recognizing your group!

What are the Safety Guidelines?

  • ​All volunteers must have a completed volunteer waiver. Waivers are valid for one year. Individuals under 18, must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.​​​​
  • Volunteers should not perform any activity outside of their physical capabilities. 
  • The use of power tools or motorized equipment is prohibited unless pre-authorized by Anchorage Parks and Recreation. 
  • Avoid picking up discarded syringes/needles
  • Do not attempt to clean abandoned homeless camps as there may be hazardous materials. Instead please report abandoned camps online. ​​

Contact Info

Ellen Devine
Volunteer Coordinator

Brandon Haslett
Assistant Volunteer Coordinator