A trail in the forest
Anchorage Parks and Recreation


​​​Adopt-A-Trail is a program in which volunteers provide care and maintenance within our 250 miles of trails. Adopt-A-Trail is a team effort between volunteers and Anchorage Parks and Recreation to enhance the quality of our extensive trail system.

Why volunteer?

Studies show that communities and individuals benefit from volunteerism. By investing a little bit of time caring for our trails, you create safer, more enjoyable conditions for all users and actually help prevent vandalism and crime. In addition, Parks and Recreation posts a sign recognizing the work you or your organization is doing on the section of trail you care for.

Who can adopt a trail?

Volunteers are groups, organizations, and individuals of all ages who share a common interest in keeping our parks and trails clean and wish to have an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. For best results, we recommend adopting a section of trail near where you live or work or a section that you are on frequently.

What are my responsibilities?

We ask that our Adopt-A-Trail volunteers commit to picking up litter and debris at least once a month and calling to inform the Municipality regarding problems that need attention, such as graffiti, trash pick ups, and illegal activities. We provide a phone contact list to our volunteers that directs you to the appropriate resources for each issue.​

How can I get involved?

Do you have a trail in your community that you're interested in adopting? Contact the Parks and Recreation at 907-343-45​87 for more information about how to get involved, or download and complete the Adopt-A-Trail Leader Agreemen​t​​.

Contact Info

Anchorage Parks and Recreation
632 W 6th Ave
Phone: 907-​343-4355

Mailing Address:
PO Box 196650
​Anchorage, AK 99519


Ellen Devine
Community Engagement Coordinator