Campbell Creek Trail Bridge Rehabilitation - COMPLETE
The Campbell Creek Trail located just west of the New Seward Highway was temporarily closed for immediate repairs due to a pedestrian bridge collapse on April 18, 2017. The bridge collapsed due to Parks and Recreation Department maintenance vehicle breaking through the decking materials.
The Parks Department and Roger Hickel Contracting has repaired the bridge and the bridge re-opened in mid-May 2017.
This bridge was identified for repairs during a 2015 structural engineering assessment of the Campbell Creek Trail Bridges. Repair costs were approximately $86,000 and funded by the 2016 Municipal Parks and Recreation Bond for Multi-Use Trail Bridge Upgrades. The repaired bridge will significantly extend the life of the structure and have a maximum vehicle load capacity of 10,000 lbs. The majority of our greenbelt trail bridges were constructed in the 1980s and have withstood over 30 years of heavy trail use.
Detour Map Link

For comments or concerns, please email Maeve Nevins Lavtar at or call (907)-343-4155.