Project Overview

The Municipality of Anchorage's Parks and Recreation Department received a Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Grant to replace the three bridges between the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center and MLK Jr. Blvd. These improvements were part of a thorough public process as part of the
Far North Bicentennial Park Trail Improvement Plan
The current bridges between the Campbell Creek Science Center and MLK Jr. Blvd. experience flooding, erosion, and ice damming issues. The three new bridges will be significantly higher to avoid flooding and ice damming. In addition, the new bridges are designed to be wider with a larger weight capacity for grooming equipment and emergency vehicle access.
This trail and trail access improvement project in Anchorage’s Far North Bicentennial Park, adjacent to BLM’s Campbell Tract, will provide a critical non-motorized, alternative transportation route through one of the country’s largest urban parks and contiguous urban wildlands. These improvements will serve non-motorized commuters and all recreational trail and park users, including walkers, runners, bikers, hikers, skiers, fat-bikers, kayakers, pack rafters, dog mushers, skijorers and wildlife viewers.
The trail segments and infrastructure identified for improvements are a major source of economic development for Alaska. The trails included in this proposal are part of the Iditarod National Historic Trail network. This trail is used for multiple large special events that draw tourist from all over the world such as The Iditarod Ceremonial Start, Tour of Anchorage Cross Country Ski Race, fat tire bike races, the Mayor’s Marathon as well as others.
Trail improvements, wayfinding upgrades, and renovation or replacement of bridges will increase connectivity and safety throughout the park’s trail network.