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Anchorage Parks and Recreation

Mann Leiser Memorial Greenhou​se​

​​​​​The Horticulture division of Anchorage Parks and Recreation is responsible for the production and care of thousands of plants utilized in landscaping and beautifying Anchorage. Additionally, crews also operate a public tropical greenhouse with fish pond and aviary that may be rented for small weddings or other special events. 

​​​The Horticulture team is responsible for:

  • Planting and maintaining 461 flower beds and baskets with more than 76,000 annual flowers at 81 sites across Anchorage
  • Operating 10 plant production greenhouses totaling 52,000 sqare feet
  • Maintaining 179 tree and shrub landscape sites containing 21,600 trees, 39,525 shrubs, 1,135 perennials, and 3,007 feet of hedges
  • Mowing and fertilizing 215 acres of turf at 96 sites and along 79.4 miles of Anchorage road right-of-way
  • Irrigation for all of the above flower beds, containers, landscape, and turf sites.

​​The Mann Leiser Memorial Greenhouse is:​

  • A tropical greenhouse open for public viewing, seven days a week
  • Fully-ADA accessible​
  • Home for a fish pond and small aviary
  • Especially suited for school-aged students looking for a special spot for storytimes or plant education
  • A​​ unique setting for small weddings or functions (rentals available from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily). Learn more by downloading a copy of the event brochure. ​


  • Monday - Friday: 8 am - 3:30 pm
  • Saturday - Sunday: 8 am - 3 pm

Contac​t Info​

1321 Lidia Selkregg Lane
Anchorage, AK

Rental Information