Tikishla Park Master Plan
3018 E. 20th Ave & 2201 Lake Otis Pkwy (Map)
The Tikishla Park Master Plan provides a 20-year vision for the management, maintenance, and development of Tikishla Park. The master plan seeks to balance the development of new facilities with the preservation of existing natural areas.
The master plan was approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission in 2018, paving the way for future improvements at the park.
In 2019, Anchorage voters passed the Park Bond allocating $400,000 in funding for Tikishla Park. This funding is in addition to $100,000 in 2018 voter approved bond funds for the park. The Parks and Recreation Department will begin working with the community on planning and design in the fall of 2019. Construction of master plan identified priorities is scheduled for summer 2020.
Click on the image above to view the plan.
Click here for a print version of the master plan.
Tikishla Park is a 105 acre park located along the Chester Creek Greenbelt in the Airport Heights neighborhood of Anchorage.
The park is classified as a Natural Resource Use Area in the 2006 Anchorage Bowl Park, Natural Resource and Recreation Facility Plan and includes over 80 acres of forest, stream, meadow and wetlands.
Tikishla Park also features over 20 acres of developed lands including the Scotty Gomez hockey rink, little league ballfields at Davenport Fields and Tikishla Park (E 20th Ave), 2-5 and 5-12 play equipment, parking, and the Lanie Fleischer Chester Creek Trail as well as many soft-surface trails.