Anchorage Parks and Recreation

Town Square Bricks

Town Square Bricks

Town Square's bricks and personalized dedications are a physical testament to the many individuals who invested in making the park a reality.

Town Square’s bricks were originally set in a sand foundation intended for foot traffic. Over the years, winter freezing and thawing and heavy maintenance vehicles have caused bricks to “pop-up” and break.

As part of the F Streetproject, funds have been earmarked to improve the subsurface and install larger and stronger pavers. About 10% of the original 13,000 bricks would be relocated within Town Square Park. Another project, the E Street project also provides an oppportunity to fix some of the cracking and "popping" bricks.

Given the importance of these bricks to donors and community members we want to know what you think! What would you like to see done with the broken and damaged bricks?

Some ideas that we have already heard from the public...

  • Relocate bricks somewhere else in the park (e.g., on a pathway, vertical face, etc.)
  • Return impacted and/or damaged bricks to the individuals who purchased the bricks

Do you have other ideas? Please send your comments to

You can also call the Town Square Brick Hotline at 343-7191