Data Division
The Data Division provides a foundation for roadway enhancement, intersection design, traffic calming, trail improvements, safety analysis, transportation plans, and traffic signal timing. Our goal is to provide essential information to improve the traveling environment within the Municipality; such information can be found online at:
Collection and Processing
Using several different methods, the Data team conducts studies of traffic characteristics, collects related data, and interprets collision information provided by various law enforcement agencies.
Shown here is just one of the many devices used to obtain traffic data.

Types of Collected Traffic Data:
- Roadway Volume Counts (Vehicular and Pedestrian)
- Trail Volume Counts
- Vehicle Speed Studies
- Traffic Gap Studies
- Travel Time Delay Studies
- Vehicle Classification Studies
- Other studies (circulation, cut through, travel behavior, license plate, etc.)
- Intersection Safety Analysis
- Collision Information (APD, UAA, Aiport Police, State Troopers, etc.)
- Other traffic related information
Analysis and Traffic System Care / Maintenance
Essentials like: volumes, studies, collisions, traffic control and roadway characteristics (directional flow, intersection geometry, approach lanes, road class, etc.) are compiled, edited and loaded into the Traffic Data Management System (TDMS).
Data is then geographically related and all particulars are added to TDMS such as: average annual daily traffic figures, road classifications, appropriate federal/state safety factors, collision diagram templates, equations, and other necessary features.
Loaded information is analyzed and subjected to various quality assurance measures prior to creation/release of any traffic statistics.
TDMS, a Data Group maintained system is publicly available for query and access.
Annual traffic data is compiled and statistical analysis is performed for all information gathered along roads or trails within the Municipality of Anchorage. The Data Division uses this information to create and publish the Annual Traffic Report.
Information contained within the report is used to evaluate and determine proper techniques for meeting transportation needs within the municipality such as: traffic safety improvements, transportation planning, and optimal signal operations. The information can also be used to determine locations where redesign could possibly decrease the number of traffic collisions.