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Bike to Bus

Biking to the bus is an economical and healthy way to enjoy being outside while getting where you need to go in a timely manner. Regardless of the weather outside, bikers are always welcome on People Mover buses.

  • All People Mover buses are equipped to carry Fat Tire bikes, as well as adult and child size bikes. Space is available on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Recumbent, tandem or motorized bikes will not fit in the rack and are not permitted inside the bus.
  • Bicyclers are responsible for securing bikes. People Mover is not responsible for lost or damaged bikes.


  • Stand near the bus stop as the bus comes to a halt.
  • Be ready with your bike when the bus arrives.
  • Notify the bus operator that you will be using the bike rack.
  • Remove packs, water bottles and accessories before loading your bike.
  • Load your bike while others are boarding.
  • Load your bike in a vacant spot closest to the bus. (The slot closest to the bus only holds a child-sized or regular-tired bike. The other two slots will hold fat tire or regular-tired adult bikes.)
  • Always approach rack curbside, do not block traffic.
  • If the rack is full, wait for the next bus, continue your ride, or find a secure location to lock your bike.


  • Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before retrieving your bike.
  • Exit through the front door and let the driver know you will be unloading your bike.
  • Unload your bike and make eye contact with the bus operator as you do so.
  • If you are the last person to remove your bike, please return the rack to its original upright position. 

Other Resources

Bike Rack Rap Video - by Transit Authority of River City