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COVID-19 Page Banner


Face Masks Are Now Optional

Effective April 18, 2022, People Mover will no longer require masks on all transit vehicles or facilities. Masks are now optional for riders and operators. Regardless of which you prefer, please respect the choice of our riders and operators.

Rider with and without a face mask 

COVID-19 People Mover & AnchorRIDES Rider Survey Results

Between November 6 and December 18, 2020, the Public Transportation Department conducted a rider survey regarding COVID-19 and public transportation in Anchorage. The survey was available to take online, with paper copies available at the Customer Service office, and was translated into four additional languages.

For additional information and complete survey results, click the link below.

COVID-19 People Mover & AnchorRIDES Rider Survey Results

People Mover Operations

There are no reductions to service. Regular bus schedules are being operated, no passenger limits are in place, and fares are required to ride.

We've made some changes so the service may look a bit different.

  • Buses are equipped with plexiglass partitions between the bus operator and the farebox to help protect riders and the bus operators.
  • Exiting through the rear door is recommended.
  • The Temporarily Relocated Customer Service Office, located at 517 W 7th Ave., Ste. #200 is open but the lobby is not open as a waiting area.

Our Priorities

People Mover shares the community's concerns about COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of those in our community, including our riders and employees.

The Public Transportation Department is working hard to maintain a safe and clean environment while we continue to serve the public transportation needs in Anchorage.

What We Are Doing

Every night our cleaning crew thoroughly sprays the interior of every bus with disinfectant and the floors are cleaned with a bleach solution. They also use a bleach solution to wipe down touchable surfaces such as handrails, pull cords, fareboxes, seatbacks, dashboards, and driver areas.

Our bus operators will have access to PPE, including cloth face coverings and/or masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, and safety glasses. Plexiglass partitions are installed in the bus operator's seat area to help protect them and riders at the farebox

Fares and Passenger Limits

Fares are required to ride. Bus passes can be purchased on the bus, from Customer Service, or riders can use the People Mover mTicket mobile app as an option for "no contact" fare payment.

Effective Friday, May 14, 2021 rider limits are lifted and all buses may operate at full capacity.

Temporary Customer Service Office Relocation

People Mover's Customer Service office is temporarily relocated to 517 West Seventh Avenue, Suite 200, in preparation for Anchorage Community Development Authority's (ACDA) upcoming Sixth Avenue Redevelopment Project. Riders will be able to continue to board and exit buses at the Downtown Transit Center, but the building will be closed to the public beginning Friday, August 21, until further notice. The temporarily relocated Customer Service hours will be to 8:30am – 5:00pm. ​There will be no waiting area or public restrooms at the temporary location.

The following services will be available:

  • Ticket sales
  • Lost and found
  • In-person communication
  • Processing half-fare applications
  • Trip planning

Stay Informed

Changes in service due to COVID-19 will be posted here, on social media, and sent via e-mail and/or Nixle alerts. To sign up for e-mail updates send a message to TransitPlanning@muni.org or text "PEOPLEMOVER" to 888-777 for Nixle notifications.

Rider Tips

People Mover is asking riders to take only necessary trips using public transportation.

Help us take part in flattening the curve by taking the following preventive measures.

​​​​​​​​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Practice social distancing by keeping six feet between you and ot​​hers. For transit riders, this means choosing a seat that gives you space from other riders whenever possible.

​Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

​Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Stay home when you are sick.

​Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

Disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Older adults and people who have serious chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes or lung disease should avoid crowds, especially in poorly ventilated areas.