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Transit on the Move Page Banner

​Public Event Series #2

We met in May and June to vote on project proposals to include in the short-range transit plan. We asked participants to review 4 maps containing projects for the Anchorage Bowl and one map contained projects for Chugiak/Eagle River. There were 3 Anchorage Bowl maps to show options for how service on particular road segments of the city could be designed. There were also seven non-route specific projects to vote on: adding back service on the holidays, increasing the frequency on existing routes, increasing the span of service on the weekdays, increasing the span of service on the weekends, adding transit security, and two projects specific to AnchorRIDES: decreasing the wait-time by 10 minutes at pick-up and providing same day scheduling. 

Meeting Materials

Each scenario is made up of different route options. Click on the boards and view the videos for each scenario below. In addition to the new route proposals, there are also options to improve the existing system such as expanding hours on the weekend, increasing the frequency, adding transit security, and improvements for AnchorRIDES.


How to Vote


Meeting Boards

Project Scenario Maps

Publicly Submitted Route Scenario Maps

Project Scenario Videos

  • Beluga Scenario
  • Polar Bear Scenario
  • Puffin Scenario

  • Wood Frog Scenario

Other Project Proposal Ideas (non-route related)


***Any one of these scenarios includes more projects than what can be accomplished over the next five years. Please use your votes to tell us what projects are most important to you.***