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​The Property Appraisal Division, headed by the Municipal Assessor, is charged with locating, identifying and valuing all taxable real property and personal property within the Municipality in order to provide a fair and equitable basis for taxation.  We are required by State law to make an independent estimate of value each year and to visit each property at least once every six years. ​

Property values and descriptions are available on this website by clicking on the "Search Properties"  link to the right. Property owners are required by State law to notify the Property Appraisal Division of errors or omissions in their property assessment.

The Property Appraisal Division maintains a description of approximately 98,000 parcels of real property and 4,400 personal property accounts totaling approximately $57.3 billion in 2025. We process and track property exemptions, valuation appeals and maintain records showing the ownership and tax districts for the entire Municipality of Anchorage. 

You can find out more information regarding assessed values by visiting us at City Hall, searching properties online, or calling our appeal hotline at (907) 343-6500. We are located at 632 W. 6th Avenue, suite 300.

Click here to apply for an exemption or file your personal property business return.​

The deadline to file for Exemptions is March 15th!