Many businesses elect to obtain various self certifications to give their business tax and bidding advantaged. These certifications are listed below and a definition of each is given below.
- Small
- Disadvantaged
- Disadvantaged woman
- Women
- 8(A)
- HubZone
- Opportunity Zone
Click here for a full list and explanation of all certifications (except DBE)
Click here for information on how to become a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
There are various avenues for business owners to access low cost and free business training to include:
The SBA Virtual training Center (online self paced training)
SBDC (free one on on advisors and low cost/free workshops)
Set Up Shop (one on one technical assistance and training programs)
Score Mentors (free one on one mentors and monthly workshops)
PTAC (free one on one mentors to assist with doing business with the government)
Alaska Startup Weekend (weekend long training on how to start a business)
Alaska Business Week (training for youth entrepreneurs)
Junior Achievement Alaska (financial literacy training for youth)