As a business owner you will be required to pay taxes. There are three levels of taxes a business pays: federal, state, and local. You will pay taxes for your business calculated off on your income and expenses and taxes for your employees or contractors based off how they are compensated. To pay your Federal, State or Local taxes (will vary on the business type and whether or not you have employees or contractors) use the following links. (federal quarterly and payroll taxes) (social security taxes) (State of Alaska corporation taxes) (Alaska Unemployment taxes)
The Municipality does require that business owners pay business personal property taxes. This means If your business has assets (items of value such as inventory, supplies, machinery or equipment) valuing more than $20,000 (the exemption limit) you may be asked to pay taxes and file a business property assessment form. If your assets are less than $20,000 all business owners are required to file an informational return at minimum. To learn more about business personal property taxes click here