​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Focus on State Support​​​​​​

With about 40% of Alaska's population, Anchorage is a wild, urban community worth investing in. 

Pursuant to Anchorage Municipal Code 2.10.075, the Anchorage Assembly annually adopts legislative priorities on behalf of the Municipality of Anchorage. The Anchorage Assembly is proud to support municipal priorities from the 2025 Legislative Program to revitalize our community for the good of the state.​​​

Top Priorities

There are two top priorities for the 2025 Legislative Session:​​​​​​​​

Safe & Secure Anchorage

Delivering state solutions to Alaska's urban hub.

​Adequately fund snow removal on state roads.

Many major roads in the Municipality are managed by the State. Keeping the system navigable year-round is a critical shared responsibility to support public safety, education, and our economy.

Adequately fund snow removal on state roads and sidewalks within the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities’ (DOT&PF) Central Region, which includes the Municipality. Reduce turnaround timelines for plow outs by adding equipment and increasing staff capacity.​​

Secure our energy future.

Invest in transmission line upgrades, hydroelectric power production, energy efficiency, and increased gas production in Cook Inlet. 

Develop a comprehensive approach to pursue affordable and resilient energy that considers the following: 

  • Fund Railbelt transmission upgrades in the state capital budget to match federal funds, eliminating bottlenecks and enabling the deployment of new sources of generation.

  • Expand hydroelectric power generation, starting with the Dixon Diversion Project in the state capital budget to offset natural gas usage with renewable power.

  • Fund weatherization, energy efficiency, and electrification programs through state entities like Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA).

  • Incentivize increased natural gas production in Cook Inlet through the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) in the form of equity investment or lending. Ensure that incentives are evaluated accurately for their efficacy in increasing production.​​​

Strengthening Alaska's Workforce

​Investing in Alaska for all. 

Stabilize funding for public schools. 

Strengthening education is our most valuable tool to build a future with a strong economy, developed workforce, and high quality of life. 

Increase the Base Student Allocation for public schools and adjust the statutory formula to account for inflation. AR 2025-016.

Restore defined benefit pensions for public employees. 

Improve the competitiveness of state and local governments as employers by offering defined benefit pensions, a common practice in other states. 

​​Additional Priorities

​​​​Improve Road Safety & Snow Removal

  • Fully fund the DOT&PF Central Region to allow critical transportation priorities to move forward (road safety, pavement preservation & urban road safety corridors).
  • Improve wildfire safety in partnership with the Anchorage Fire Department. 
  • Allow the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to grant municipalities a right-of-way, or public use easement, permitting the Municipality to bond for capital projects in state park units.​

Secure Our Energy Future

  • Fund Railbelt transmission upgrades in the state capital budget to match federal funds.
  • Expand hydroelectric power generation, starting with the Dixon Diversion Project in the state capital budget.
  • Fund weatherization, energy efficiency, and electrification programs through state entities like Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA).
  • Incentivize increased natural gas production in Cook Inlet through the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) in the form of equity investment or lending

Support Education & Workforce Development

  • Fund the University of Alaska System, to enable the continuation of all academic and vocational-technical programs.​

Promote Good Government

Stregthen Behavioral Health & First Responder Connections

  • Support the Crisis Now Key Legislative Priorities, to strengthen behavioral health crisis ​services and offset the use of costly and less suitable public safety response. 
  • ​Inflation adjust the E911 surcharge, expand the allowable uses of the surcharge, and amend the statute so that the charge applies to voice over IP (VOIP) systems.

Increase Housing Supply & Address Affordability

​Don Young Port of Alaska

  • ​While there is no direct ask in 2025, the Municipality asks the legislature for continued partnership in supporting the Port Modernization​ to reduce the negative impact of surcharges statewide.

District Priorities

North Anchorage
Chugiak, Eagle River, JBER
West Anchorage
Midtown Anchorage
East Anchorage
South Anchorage, Girdwood, Turnagain


  • Peratrovich Park Pedestrian Plaza and Landscape Upgrades, $200K (17-I) 
  • Tract J Park Master Plan, $100K (18-I) 
  • Alley Paving for Mountain View and Fairview, $2M (17-I and 19-J) 
  • AK DOT staircase replacement of I St. stairs ot Chester Creek Trail, $1.25M (17-I)



  • AK DOT upgrade or remove Old Glenn Highway Railing (23-L and 24-L)
  • Snow Disposal Site – Purchase and Construct, $2M (23-L and 24-L)
  • Loretta French Astro Turf Installation, Fields 1 & 2, $1-2M(24-L)
  • CBERRRSA Road and Drainage Rehab, $1.4M (23-L and 24-L)



  • Bluff Erosion impacting Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (TSAIA) facilities, Tony Knowles Coastal Trail, and Point Woronzof on State of Alaska-owned land (16-H) 
  • West Anchorage Area Pavement Rehabilitation, $3M (SD E, G, H and I) 
  • 88th Avenue Upgrade – Jewel Lake Park to Jewel Lake Road, $8M (15-H) 
  • Country Woods Subdivision Area Road Reconstruction, $3M (13-G) 
  • Dempsey Anderson Ice Arena Upgrades, $1M (17-I)



  • 42nd Ave Upgrade – Piper Street to Florina Street, $3M (20-J) 
  • 41st Ave Upgrade Phase 2 – Piper Street to Dale Street, $3M (20-J) 
  • Sound Barrier Fence Project on Northern Lights, $2M (14-G)
  • Midtown Chalet, $250K (14-G)
  • Coventry Drive Drainage Project Planning and Design, $250K (13-G and 12-F)



  • Northeast Mixed-Use Transit/Community Hub, $10M (20-J and 21-K)
  • Tudor/Muldoon Traffic Calming, $10M with $6M on hand (20-J, 21-K and 22-K)
  • Campbell Airstrip Road upgrade with separated trail extension from Campbell Airstrip Trailhead to Bivouac Trailheads, $2M for design (HD 9-E, 12-F, 20-J, 21-K and 22-K) 
  • Northern Lights Boulevard at Bragaw Street – Pedestrian Crossing Improvements, $500K (19-J and 20-J)
  • Centennial Park Upgrades, $1M to improve electrical systems and restrooms; $9M for park facility improvements (18-I, 22-K and 23-L)
  • AK DOT upgrade of 36th Avenue between Patterson and Muldoon including Muldoon Overpass, $8M (Moose Loop East Connection, 9-E, 12-F, 20-J, 21-K and 22-K)



  • Child, Pedestrian Safety Measures at O’Malley Road & Rockridge Drive, $5M (11-F)
  • Reconstruct Upper De Armoun Road, $2.3M (9-E)
  • AK DOT Birch Road Upgrade between O’Malley and Huffman Road (11-F)
  • Abbott Road Signalization at Ruth Arcand Park Entrance, $2M (11-F)
  • AK DOT Reconstruct Old Seward​ Highway between Rabbit Creek Road and Potter Valley Road (9-E)​

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​​907-343-4311 PO Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650​​
