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Welcome to your Anchorage Fire Department!

The Anchorage Fire Department is an ISO Class 1 public safety department responsible for providing all hazards prevention, education, and emergency response to the citizens and visitors of Anchorage.

Our mission is, "to serve our community before, during, and after an emergency".

Our core values are, "Respect, Teamwork, Integrity, Customer Service,​ and Professionalism".


​​​​Anchorage has one of the highest cardiac arrest survival rates in the country. Click to find out more about how you can help keep it that way!




A message from your Fire Chief

Welcome to the Anchorage Fire Department! 

Anchorage can be very proud of the paramedics, firefighters, inspectors, dispatchers, and all the support personnel that work tirelessly to serve our community before, during, and after an emergency. We strive to be the very best in our craft, to be leaders in innovation, and a model of stewardship to our community. I am very proud to serve among the fine professionals of the Anchorage Fire Department.​

The Fire Department plays a key role in the economic well-being of our city, ensuring that businesses thrive and that citizens and visitors are safe and have access to the very best emergency care available anywhere. We are Anchorage's first line of defense for emergencies, large and small.

We are here to serve you. Please feel free to stop in to say hello, ask questions, or get to know us at any of our locations. You can reach me ​by calling 907-267-4900​.


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Stay in touch with AFD!

​​  Find us on Facebook!​
Instagram_icon.png Find us on Instagram!​​
twitter-x5265.logowik.com.webp  Find us on X!



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Anchorage Fire Department
100 East 4th Avenue, Ancho
rage, AK 99501
(907) 267-4900