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 Jon.png  A Message From Division Chief Jon Glover    ​With over 20 years of experience in wildfire response and mitigation throughout Alaska and the Lower 48, I am dedicated to serving the community as the Wildfire Division Chief. In alignment with AFD's mission to serve our community before, during, and after an emergency, I encourage you to utilize the resources on our website to learn how you can better prepare yourself and your loved ones for a wildfire. The time to act is now, not when an incident occurs. Two crucial actions you can take are creating a defensible space around your property (see our Firewise resources) and developing an action plan (see our Ready Set Go program). As we approach the 2025 fire season, the Anchorage Fire Department Wildfire Divisi​on is working closely with all relevant MOA divisions and departments, as well as jurisdictional agencies responsible for wildfire management, including OEM, state, and federal partners. We are also collaborating with state and federal partners to secure funding for hazard fuel mitigation projects, strengthening our community's resilience to the growing threat of wildland fire. I encourage you to attend community meetings, use the resources on our website, and reach out to us with any questions. We are here to support you before, during, and after an emergency.​ 

​Recreational & Cooking Fire Guidelines ​can be found here. ​If you see a fire that poses an immediate threat to life or property, call 911 immediately. The following ​practices are always illegal within the Municipality of Anchorage: burn barrels - burning of trash, construction materials and debris - use of fireworks - on Municipal park lands, any fire outside an approved fire pit or barbeque grill.

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Did you know? ​
The Anchorage Fire Department offers free Firewise property assessments. Walk around your property with some of Anchorage's finest to learn what you can do to make your property more resilient to wildfires. Learn more about the program and sign up for your free ​​​assessment here

Ready, Set, Go! ​
Is a national initiative to help residents in wildfire-prone regions prepare for a wildfire. Be ready by preparing long before an incident. Be set by ​maintaining vigilance during an incident. Go ​by acting early and evacuating. Details for each of these steps are available ​here. Email us today if you would like to pick up copies of printed materials to share with your neighbors.
The Anchorage Community Wildfire Protection Plan ​update project has been underway since the fall of 2024. This robust plan outlines local priorities for wildfire risk mitigation, focusing on the protection of people, properties and natural resources within a defined area. It is also a key to many federal grant opportunities. You can learn more about the CWPP update project and even sign up for updates here.
​The wood lots will be open again for the 2025 season, ​hosted by Solid Waste Services. Anchorage Fire Department is proud to continue to partner with SWS to provide community member​s ​with an opportunity to dispose of the woody materials gathered during their property cleanup efforts. ​The lot in Eagle River opens on March 31st and the midtown location opens May 1st.​ To learn more about the lots, including what is accepted and their operating hours, please visit the Solid Waste Services website or call ​(907) 343-6250.
AK DOF.png  The State of Alaska Division of ​Forestry & Fire Protection​ ​has wildfire suppression jurisdiction for the entire municipality. While the Anchorage Fire Department/Chugiak Volunteer Fire & Rescue/Girdwood Fire & Rescue will likely be the first to initiate an attack on any wildfire in Anchorage, it is the DOF that is ultimately responsible for providing suppression efforts. You can learn more about the DOF at forestry.alaska.gov/wildland​
​Find us out in the Community! ​The AFD Wildfire Division attends many community meetings and events to provide education and answer questions. Below are just some of the upcoming events we plan to be at:​

University Area Community Council - April 2
Chugach Electric ​​Community Meeting about Hillside Right of Way Clearing​ - April 8th
Campbell Park Community Council - April 17​
Eagle River Valley Community Council - April 19th
Wildland Urban Interface Community Action Team - April 28th
Old Seward/Ocean View Community Council - May 14th 
AFD Open House - May 17th
Wildfire Community Town Hall - May 19th

Find your Community Council and get involved.

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In the Media: 
Municipal Land: Who's Responsible?
The Anchorage Fire Department does not have the authority to enforce fuels mitigation efforts. It is our hope that these resources will help you address any concerns with those who have the ability to address them. ​​
Track Active Wildfire Incidents & Stay Up to Date with AK Fire Info​Developed by federal and state agencies in Alaska to provide timely and accurate wildland fire information for the entire state. The agencies that support this site are the BLM Alaska Fire Service, Alaska Division of Forestry, US Forest Service, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and Alaska Department of Environment Conservation. It is updated as often as new information is available from the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center.​​

​Chief Glover tells Alaska's News Source about his role at AFD​
​Interview with the Alaska Landmine​​​
Wildfire Risk & Mitigation Efforts in the Municipality: Anchorage Assembly Work Session
Anchorage Property Ownership Map
Report a Hazard Tree
Chief Glover & Norm McDonald (DOF) on Alaska Insight
Parks & Recreation Fuels Mitigation Map​
AFD, DOF and NPS on Talk of Alaska
Right of Way Concern​​
Chief Glover discusses Firewise with Alaska's News Source​
Heritage Land Bank: HLB@anchorageak.gov
(907) 343-7533​​
​​MAPS​ ​
Current Wildfires in Alaska​
Hosted by the Western Fire Chiefs Association.​

​​Is your property ​in the Wildland Urban Interface?
Visit this map created by the University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic Research to find out.​




​​Contact Us


Wildfire Division

​(907) 267-4902​

