
Boards & Commissions​

Regulatory/Adjudicatory Boards and Commissions​

Technical Advisory Commissions​​

​Regulatory/Adjudicatory Boards and Commissions

​To provide testimony when attending remotely

  1. E-mail PlanningPhoneTestimony@anchorageak.gov by 2:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.
  2. Subject Line should read "Phone Testimony."​​​
  3. Provide Name, Phone Number, and Agenda Item Number and Title.
  4. The Secretary will phone you at number provided when case comes up.
  5. One is allowed three (3) minutes to provide testimony on each agenda item; five (5) minutes for group representatives.

To provide written comments

  1. Provide comments on a board or commission case through Planning Cases Online
    • Under "Search," fill in Search for a Planning Application with the case number.​
    • Under "Community Council," choose the council name the case is located in.
      (If the case is not specific to a council, it may not show and using the case number is better.)​
  2. When Planning Application Status comes up, go to end of "Summary"​ section and click on Submit case comments.

​*Audio recordings and agendas of the four regulatory/adjudicatory boards and commissions can be downloaded below.

Planning and Zoning Commission​​​​

A regulatory/adjudicatory commission that develops, reviews, and make recommendations to the Assemb​ly regarding the Comprehensive Plan and proposed amendments to Title 21 Land Use Regulations.  Learn more...​

Contact:    (907) 343-7943

Meetings:  1st and 2nd Monday each month, 6:30 p.m. 
                  Assembly Chambers
                  Z.J. Loussac Library
                  3600 Denali Street
                  Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ​

2025 Meeting Schedule & Cut-Off Dates

2024 Revised Meeting Schedule & Cut-Off Dates

View Agendas/Listen to Meetings   ​​

Planning and Zoning Commission Policies​

Platting Board​

A regulatory/adjudicatory board that implements the comprehensive plan and other plans by enforcing subdivision regulations; conducts public hearings on plat applications and vacation of dedicated public areas.

Contact:     (907) 343-7943

Meetings:  1st Wednesday each month, 6:30 p.m.
                  Assembly Chambers
                  Z.J. Loussac Library
                  3600 Denali Street
                  Anchorage, Alaska 99503

2025 Meeting Schedule & Cut-Off Dates​​

2024 Meeting Schedule & Cut-off Dates

View Agendas/Listen to Meetings 

Urban Design Comm​ission

The Urban Design Commission is a regulatory/adjudicatory commission which implements the Comprehensive Plan and Title 21.  It has regulatory authority over public facility site plans, landscape plans, and screening along major highways. The Commission also has regulatory authority over requests for sign variances.

Contact:    (907) 343-7943

Meetings:  2nd Wednesday each month, 6:30 p.m.
                  Assembly Chambers​​
                  Z.J. Loussac Library
                  3600 Denali​ Street
                  Anchorage, Alaska 99503 

2025 Meeting Schedule & Cut-off Dates

2024 Revised Meeting Schedule & Cut-off Dates

View Agendas/Listen to Meetings 

Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals

A regulatory/adjudicatory board that hears requests for variances from zoning regulations and appeals from administrative decisions under Title 21.

Contact:      (907) 343-7943

Meetings:   2nd and 4th Thursday each month, 6:30 p.m.
                   Assembly Chambers
                   Z.J. Loussac Library
                   3600 Denali Street 
                   Anchorage, Alaska 99503

2025 Meeting Schedule & Cut-Off Dates

2024 Revised Meeting Schedule & Cut-Off Dates ​

​​ View Ag​endas/Listen to Meetings ​

Technical Advisory Commissions

The technical advisory commissions are generally holding in-person and virtual meetings​.​

Geotechnical A​dvisory Commission

The Geotechnical Advisory Commission (GAC) acts in an advisory capacity to the Assembly, Mayor, municipal departments, Planning and Zoning Commission, Platting Board, Building Board, Building Safety, and the professional design community by providing professional advice on issues relating to natural hazards risk mitigation.  Learn more...

Contact:    Daniel Mckenna-Foster, (907) 343-7918 or (907) 343-7921

Meetings:  4th Tuesday each month, 12:00 Noon

Location:   Hybrid Meeting - In-Person and Virtual Microsoft Teams Meeting 
                   Planning and Development Center
                   Planning Conference Room 170
                   4700 Elmore Road​
                   Anchorage, Alaska  99507​​

2024 Meeting Schedule
View Agenda Packet​ (November 26, 2024)

The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) encourages and furthers the interests of historic preservation by identifying, protecting, and interpreting the Municipality’s significant historic and cultural resources for the economic and social benefit of the community.  Learn more...

Contact:    Tom Davis, (907) 343-7916 or (907) 343-7921

Meetings:  4th Thursday each month, 5:30 p.m.​

Location:   Hybrid Meetings: In-person and virtual Microsoft Teams Meetings
                   Planning and Development Center​​
                   Planning Conference Room or the Training Room​​
                   4700 Elmore Road​​​​
                   Anchorage, Alaska  99507

2024 Meeting Schedule (updated 2/5/2024)

​​​​​​View Agenda (November-December meeting TBD)

Watershed & Natural Resources Advisory​ Commission

The Watershed & Natural Resources Advisory Commission (WNRC) acts in an advisory capacity to the Assembly, Mayor, municipal departments, Planning and Zoning Commission, Platting Board, Parks and Recreation Commission, and the state and federal resource agencies.  The Commission serves as a technical liaison and point of contact between federal, state, and local agencies.  The Commission reviews plans and makes project recommendations and responds with professional advice on issues relating to Anchorage’s watersheds, stream channels, and fish and wildlife resources.  Learn more...

Contact:    Karlie Lamothe, (907) 343-7990 or (907) 343-7921

Meetings:  Held quarterly until further notice
                   Fourth Wednesday of months:  January, April July, October
                   12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m.

Location: Hybrid Meetings: In-person and virtual via Microsoft Teams
                   Planning and Development Center​
                   Planning Conference Room 170​​
                   4700 Elmore Road​​​
                   Anchorage, Alaska  99507​​

2024 Regular Meeting Schedule (quarterly)​​

View Agenda Packet ​ ​(October 23, 2024)​​

