
Geotechnical Advisory Commission  

The Geotechnical Advisory Commission (GAC) is a nine-member commission appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Assembly. The GAC acts in an advisory capacity to the Assembly, Mayor, municipal departments, Planning and Zoning Commission, Platting Board, Building Board, Building Safety Division, and the professional design community by providing professional advice on issues relating to natural hazards risk mitigation. This Commission, staffed by the Planning Department, normally meets at noon in the Planning and Development Center on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  Meetings are in a hybrid format via Microsoft Teams and in person in the Planning Conference Room 170 ​at 4700 Elmore Road, Anchorage. Please refer to the current ​public notice in case of a change back to virtual only.

  Commission Members (updated 07​/17​/2024)

  • Dennis Berry
  • ​Kyle Brennan
  • Steven Halcomb, Vice Chair 
  • David Hemstreet​
  • Cody Kreitel
  • Keri Nutter
  • Brian O'Dowd
  • Amy Steiner​
  • John Thornley, Chair​​​

Contact Information:
  • Daniel Mckenna-Foster, Senior Planner
    Long-Range Planning Division
    Planning Department
    4700 Elmore Road
    Anchorage, Alaska 99507​

    (907) 343-7918​ or (907) ​343-7921
    daniel.mckenna-foster@anchorageak.gov ​ 


  Commission D​ocuments 

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