2007 Girdwood Area Plan Update
Please note: The most current information related to the Girdwood Plan update can be found here.
Project Information Center
The Girdwood Area Plan (GAP) is a functional plan and an element of the Anchorage Comprehensive Plan. As such, it is intended to provide broad policy guidance for land use and development. The current GAP was adopted in 1995. This Plan captured the attitudes and aspirations of Girdwood residents and landowners in Chapter 5. The GAP’s land use plan and policies reflected the community’s standards and desires for future development, as captured in Chapter 5’s primary goal statements:
- Perpetuate Girdwood’s small-town atmosphere
- Preserve Girdwood’s natural environment
- Provide a variety of year-round recreational opportunities
- Provide facilities and services to maintain and enhance the quality of community life
The GAP Update will carry forth the community’s goals from the 1995 Plan while building on ways to implement these goals through objectives, policies and strategies.
The GAP is being updated for several reasons:
- Municipal code calls for comprehensive plan updates every 10 years and a full rewrite every 20 years.
- Several new plans and studies for Girdwood have occurred since the 1995 plan was adopted.
- Updated demographic data is available for Girdwood.
- The Girdwood Board of Supervisors (GBOS) requested an update to address changing land use trends in the community.
Planning staff will produce a GAP Technical Brief, which will summarize the plan’s implementation since adoption, outline changes and new trends in land use, and update demographics and other relevant actions taken since the 1995 adoption. This technical brief will be combined with data and findings from the public participation process to serve as the foundation for the GAP revision draft. The Technical Brief will be available once the planning process resumes.
The updated GAP will provide general land use and development guidelines for future growth in Girdwood. The updated plan will continue to:
- outline general strategies for land development
- determine location and installation of major public facilities and services
- provide guidance for use of municipal lands
- continue to conserve and protect natural resources and environmental features
Public Participation
The public involvement process along with the Technical Brief mentioned above and additional research will provide the basis for the updated plan. Here are the chief public involvement elements:
- A community survey was conducted by GBOS and the Planning Department in March 2007. See Survey results here.
- A Community Advisory Committee (CAC) made up of Girdwood residents has been established to assist the Planning Department staff in updating the plan.
- Stakeholder interviews were completed with local, state and federal agencies, user groups, and major landowners.
- A community meeting was held on April 22, 2009, to garner community input on themes from the survey, stakeholder interviews, CAC discussions, and research.
Plan Update Timeline
The plan process has been delayed by a change in the Work Programs.
March 2007
Planning and background research
began January 2008
Community Meetings
April 2009
Technical Brief and summary of current plan
Public Review Draft
Public Hearing Draft
Plan Adoption
Documents for Review
Girdwood Area Public Survey Results—2007
The Peterson Economics Report and Market Analysis for Glacier-Winner Creeks in Girdwood
Alaska Mountain Safety Center's Avalanche Study for the Glacier-Winner Creek area in Girdwood
April 2006 (final) Crow Creek Neighborhood Land Use Study: Plan and Appendices
1995 Girdwood Area Plan
Title 21, Chapter 9 - Girdwood Regulations
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