Project contact: daniel.mckenna-foster@anchorageak.gov 907-343-7918
Project News:
September 2024:
Eagle River/Chugiak survey now available here
Final Responses (right click "open image in new tab" for better resolution):
Project Background:
This project comes at the direction of the Assembly to produce a long-range transportation plan policy document that will guide public decisions and investments in the Municipality of Anchorage. A long-range transportation strategy like this one will guide short and long-range investments in transportation infrastructure for the entire Municipality. The MOA has historically used the AMATS Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) as its Long-Range Transportation Plan, but this document does not address all communities within the MOA’s boundary and focuses primarily on state and federally funded projects. This long range transportation strategy will provide guidance for spending local dollars based on local priorities, and can help inform the MTP.
Project Timeline:
Kick-off: August 2023
Working Group: August 2023-May 2024
Survey: February-March 2024
Meeting Agendas & Notes