The Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) and the Municipality of Anchorage’s Planning Department initiated the public involvement process in 2016 for the
Spenard Corridor Plan
(SCP) – a transit-oriented development plan intended to establish a comprehensive long-term vision for the Spenard corridor from International Airport Road to Hillcrest Drive. Anchorage 2020–Anchorage Bowl Comprehensive Plan identified Spenard as one of Anchorage’s key transit-supportive development corridors. These corridors generally run between employment centers, commercial centers, and residential areas.
As an implementation step of
Anchorage 2020, the SCP will become Anchorage’s first transit-supportive development corridor planning document. This plan will present an area profile, goals, and objectives for the corridor, and it will link recommendations for land use, multimodal transportation and connectivity, future road upgrades, and transit in a single document.
The Planning Department has contracted with Winter & Company, whose team comprises national experts and local firms with transit corridor and redevelopment expertise.
How You Can Participate
The planning process for the SCP is expected to encompass over a year of public involvement efforts and community engagement in the Spenard area. The project team has formed a Spenard Advisory Committee to get input on the project. Check out the Spenard Corridor Plan website at
Click here to go to the project's Facebook page. These sites will also advertise public workshops, engagement, and plan review opportunities.
Past Events
Information Booth - Thursdays, July 14, 21, 28; 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Spenard Food Truck Carnival, Chilkoot Charlie's Parking Lot
Information Booth - Saturdays, July 16 and 23; 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Spenard Farmers Market , Chilkoot Charlie's Parking Lot
Community Workshop #1 - Wednesday, July 27; 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Spenard Recreation Center, 2020 West 48th Avenue
Guided Bicycle Tour - Thursday, July 28, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Begins and ends at Bosco's Comic Book Store, 2301 Spenard Road
Spenard Advisory Committee (SAC)
Paul Denkewalter, Owner, AMH
Katie Dougherty, Exec. Assistant, MOA Economic & Community Development
Bryan Hill, Bike Anchorage
Matt Jones, Owner, Bear Tooth Theaterpub/Moreland Properties
Aaron Jongenelen, Transportation Planner, SOA DOT&PF
Kjersti Langnes, Deputy Director, Clare House
Dia Matteson, Owner, House of Harley-Davidson
Samuel Moore, President, North Star Community Council (unconfirmed)
Tyler Robinson, Cook Inlet Housing Authority
Bart Rudolph, Transit Planner, MOA Public Transportation Department
Barbara Smart, President, Spenard Chamber of Commerce
Jed Smith, President, Spenard Community Council
Kim Wetzel, At-large/Historic Preservation
SAC Meetings
Meeting #5 - February 2, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Cook Inlet Housing Authority, 3510 Spnard Road
Second Floor Training Room
Meeting #4 - January 19, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Cook Inlet Housing Authority, 3510 Spenard Road
Second Floor Training Room
Meeting #3 - Tuesday, July 19; 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Cook Inlet Housing Authority, 3510 Spenard Road
Second Floor Training Room
Meeting #2 - Thursday, June 23; 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Cook Inlet Housing Authority, 3510 Spenard Road
Second Floor Training Room
Meeting #1 - Thursday, May 12; 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Planning and Development Center, 4700 Elmore Road
To join the mailing list or inquire about this plan, please contact the project managers listed below:
Joni Wilm
Transportation Planning Division/AMATS
Thede Tobish
Long-Range Planning Division