
​MOA EPA Brownfield Assessment Program

​Project contact: daniel.mckenna-foster@anchorageak.gov 907-343-7918


Project News​:

February 2025:

The MOA is moving forward with contracting following a competitive RFP process. ​

Project Background​: 

​​The EPA Brownfields Pro​gram is a federal initiative to help communities clean up land that may have been contaminated by past use. ​​​ THe Municipality has been awarded 3 Brownfield Assessment grants over the past several years. ​

​Guiding Principles:

        •        Prioritize use of grant funds on priority sites that will attract investors and become a catalyst for new employment opportunities and a sustainable job base.
        •        Build on past brownfield redevelopment successes.
        •        Promote infill development that maximizes use of existing space, infrastructure and utilities.
        •        Remove redevelopment barriers by addressing unknown site conditions and creating shovel ready sites.
        •        Transform blighted areas into thriving neighborhoods.
        •        Protect public health and the environment.
        •        Promote public participation and input on priority redevelopment areas and sites. 
        •        Invest in sites that will generate public and private revenue.


Reports & Studies Produced by this Project:



