Title 21 Rewrite (main page)
PowerPoint® Presentations
Below are links to Power Point presentations that have been given to date for this project.
“Title 21 Land Use Planning Code, Diagnostic and Rewrite – June, 2002”
This was a project kickoff Power Point presentation given by Clarion Associates at work sessions of the Municipal Assembly/boards/commissions and the Title 21 Citizens Advisory Committee on June 5, 2002.
“Title 21 Land Use Planning Code, Diagnostic and Rewrite – September, 2002”
This was a project update presentation given by Clarion Associates to the Planning & Zoning Commission on September 12, 2002. Included in this presentation are the top Title 21 issues that Clarion identified during stakeholder interviews and other meetings conducted during the consultants’ two trips to Anchorage.
“Rewrite of Title 21: Land Use Planning Code – Diagnosis”
This was a presentation by Clarion Associates of the draft Title 21 Diagnosis report to the Title 21 Citizen’s Advisory Committee, municipal staff advisory committee, and to the Planning & Zoning Commission and representatives from three other boards/commissions. These meetings occurred within the period of December 9 – 11, 2002.
"Presentation to Municipal Assembly - March 2003"
This was a project status report presented by the Planning Department to the Municipal Assembly at a March 14, 2003 work session.
"Rewrite of Title 21: Land Use Planning Code - Annotated Outline"
This was a presentation given by Clarion Associates to four boards and commissions, the municipal staff advisory committee, the Title 21 Citizens Advisory Committee, and the Municipal Assembly. These meetings occurred during the consultants' May 2003 visit to Anchorage.
"Rewrite of Title 21: Project Overview"
This presentation was given to the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, municipal boards/commissions, Title 21 Citizens Advisory Committee, and Municipal Assembly during the consultants' July 2003 trip to Anchorage.
"Rewrite of Title 21: Module Two: Districts and Uses"
This presentation was given to the municipal boards and commissions, the Title 21 Citizens Advisory Committee, the Anchorage Citizens' Coalition, and the municipal Assembly during the consultants' January 2004 trip to Anchorage.
"Rewrite of Title 21: Module Three: Development and Design Standards and other Chapters"
This presentation was given to the municipal boards and commissions, the Title 21 Citizens Advisory Committee, the Anchorage Citizens' Coalition, and the municipal Assembly during the consultants' July 2004 trip to Anchorage.