
Signs in the Municipality are governed by the land use regulations in AMC 21.12.

  • A permit from the Municipality is generally required to erect a sign. (See the exceptions in AMC 21.12.020C.)   
  • Portable signs are prohibited everywhere in the Municipality. (See AMC 21.12.080D.)  This includes A-frame signs often found on streets and sidewalks.       
  • Signs may advertise or inform only about uses that exist on the same lot where the sign is located. (See AMC 21.12.080B.)   
  • Signs for large retail establishments must comply with an approved site plan.  New pole signs are prohibited.   
  • Temporary political signs are exempt from regulation. (See AMC 21.12.070J.)

For more information, please contact Zoning Review at 907-343-8379.