Stream Protection Setbacks
AMC 21.07.020 protects the natural resources of the Municipality of Anchorage. It regulates what activities are allowed within areas next to streams, lakes and wetlands. It also requires minimum setbacks from streams (21.07.020B.9.), drainageways (21.07.020B.10.), waterbodies (21.07.020B.11), and wetlands (21.07.020B.12.).
- Stream setbacks are measured from the ordinary high-water mark, or, from each side of the defined bank of the stream if the high water mark is not readily visible.
- Required minimum stream setbacks are found in table 21.07-1.
- A setback of 10 feet is required from major drainageways, or from the middle of the major drainageway if no defined channel edge exists. Major drainageways are defined or verified by Watershed Management Services.
- All waterbodies have required setbacks. Structures and impervious surfaces are required to be set back at least 25 feet horizontally from the ordinary high water mark of water bodies, with a few exceptions found in AMC 21.07.020B.11.b.
- All wetlands have setbacks. Structures, fill, storage and impervious surfaces must be setback at least 15-feet from the delineated edge of all wetlands except those authorized for development.
Other Related information:
AMC 21.07.020E.5. requires a flood hazard permit for structure located within floodplains.
The erosion and sediment control plans for construction projects must also be reviewed under the NPDES program.