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Bed & Breakfast

  • A Bed and Breakfast is allowed in all residential districts, in a single-family dwelling or one unit of a two family dwelling (duplex). 
  • The host-operator of the Bed and Breakfast establishment must live in the dwelling unit used for the Bed and Breakfast. A Bed and Breakfast is intended to be a minor, incidental commercial activity, secondary to a principal residential use, so there are restrictions on the number of rooms that can be offered for rent.
  • Signage for a Bed and Breakfast is limited to one building signplate of no more than two square feet, and one freestanding sign of no more than 5 square feet. Signage regulations are found in AMC 21.12.050.
  • B&Bs are governed by AMC 21.05.070D. An operating permit from the Municipality of Anchorage is required. Application Form: Bed and Breakfast / Roominghouse Permit.
  • A Bed and Breakfast establishment with four or five guest rooms requires an administrative site plan review from the Planning Department in addition to the required operating permit. This review ensures that the B&B operation is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and that adequate public services are available. Application Form: Site Plan Review Form
More Questions?  Contact Zoning and Land Use Review at 907-343-8332 or email rhiannon.brown2@anchorageak.gov.

You are welcome to contact Land Use Review to see if a particular B&B has a current operating permit. We do not recommend any commercial enterprise to the public - but you may wish to contact the following organizations for more information:


If you use the online version of the code, try searching "21.05.070" for more information. Please note that recent amendments may not have been published yet.