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Home Occupations

Home occupations are listed as accessory uses in residential zoning districts. and are intended to have little or no impact on the neighborhood. They are governed by section 21.05.070D.10. of the municipal code.

 A home occupation may be conducted in a dwelling unit or in a building accessory to a dwelling unit provided that::

  • A permanent resident of the dwelling unit is engaged in the home occupation on the premises;              
  • Only one nonresident may be engaged in the home occupation on the premises;              
  • The use of a dwelling unit for a home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its residential use.  This standard is met by and limited to one of the following in class A areas:
    • No more than the lesser of 25 percent or 500 square feet of the floor area of the principal dwelling is devoted to any home occupation; or
    • No more than 300 square fee of an accessory building is devoted to any home occupation; or
    • No more than 250 square feet of the principal dwelling and 250 square feet of the accessory building are devoted to any home occupation.             
  • The use of a dwelling unit for a home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its residential use.  This standard is met bye and limited to one of the following in class B areas:
    • No more than the lesser of 40 percent or 650 square feet of the gross floor area of the primary structure is devoted to the home occupation use; or
    • No more than 600 square feet of an accessory structure is devoted to the home occupation; or
    • No more than 325 square feet of te hprincipal dwelling and 350 square feet of the accessory building are devoted to any home occupation.
  • Except for as provided in chapter 21.11, Signs, there shall be no change to the outside of the building or premises, nor shall there be other visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation;    
  • Vehicles making deliveries shall not be parked at the site for a period exceeding one hour;
  • No traffic or deliveries shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood;
  • All vehicles used in connection with the home occupation shall, except for delivery vehicles allowed above, be of the type commonly used for personal non-commercial transportation;
  • The peace and quiet of the neighborhood shall not be disturbed.  No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation that creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, or odors detectable to the normal senses at the property line.  No equipment or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference in any radio or television receivers off the premises, or causes a fluctuation in line voltage off the premises.  No hazardous or toxic materials shall be stored on the property as part of the home occupation;
  • The hours of operation during which an employee or co-worker, clients, or customers are allowed to come to the home in connection with the business activity are limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.  Care and feeding of animals is exempted from this provision;
  • A home occupation shall not be permitted on any lot with an adult or child care facility, or assisted living facility; and
  • Any storage of wholesale or retail stock in trade in conjunction with the home occupation shall not exceed 10 percent of the area devoted to the home occupation, except on lots 40,000 sf or larger in class B districts as defined in 21.08.050B.  On lots meeting this exception, storage of stock in trade may equal the area devoted to the home occupation, if the storage is screened from neighboring lots and separated from the neighboring lot line by at least the established district setback.

If you use the online version of the code try searching on "21.05.070" for more information.  Please note that recent amendments may not have been published yet.  The Land Use Review Division can clarify the current code language for you.