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​How Land Use Enforcement Supports the Community

Land Use Enforcement protects the public health, safety, welfare, property values and economic vitality of the Municipality of Anchorage.

Land Use Enforcement staff:

  • Improve the quality of life and sustain property values by ensuring compatible land uses through effective zoning review and enforcement of Title 21, Land Use Planning Regulations.
  • Interpret, apply and enforce Anchorage Municipal Code Title 21, Land Use Planning and eight other municipal codes including public nuisance, housing and towing.
  • Review and inspect marijuana businesses, day care facilities, animal facilities and businesses selling alcoholic beverages 

​Responsibilities of Land Use Enforcement

Code Enforcement
Land Use Enforcement is the section within The Development Services Department that has primary enforcement responsibility for the land use code, Title 21, Land Use Planning of the Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC).  Some of the areas covered by this code are permitted uses of land and buildings, location of buildings on land, and accessory uses allowed with permitted principal uses.  Also covered in Title 21 in conjunction with AMC Title 10, Business Licenses and Regulations, is the establishment and operation of Marijuana Businesses.  

Other major code provisions enforced by Land Use Enforcement are AMC 15.10, Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code, AMC 15.20, Public Nuisances, and AMC 15.110, Trash Handling.  We are one of the agencies   within the Municipality tasked with ensuring that the citizens of Anchorage are afforded a safe and sanitary living environment.  

Land Use Enforcement also enforces code sections AMC 9.54 and   AMC 10.54 that are specific to the regulation of the towing industry to ensure it is operated in a safe and fair manner.  

To file a code complaint 24 hours a day/365 days a year please visit www.muni.org, select #ANCWORKS! and follow the prompts.
​Under the Land Use section there is also an option to ask questions. 


​In addition to complaint driven enforcement activities Land Use Enforcement also conducts a variety of inspections to ensure compliance with applicable codes and regulations.  A major category of inspections is the inspection of properties with an open building or land use permit.  Some of the inspection items are the installation of landscaping, adequate parking including accessible parking spaces, and signs.  Other inspections are conducted in support of other agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services, the Municipal Clerk’s Office, and Animal Care and Control.   

Land Use Area

There are two areas of the Municipality that are referred to as the Land Use Area versus the Building Safety Service Area and they are the Chugiak/Eagle River and Turnagain​ Arm areas.  Both have a specific code section in AMC Title 21 and they contain code provisions that are specific to the areas.  The areas came about at the time the City of Anchorage and the Anchorage Borough merged and those areas voted to maintain some unique characteristics.  The major characteristic each maintained is the issuance of what are called Land​ Use Permits versus a Building Permit.  A land use permit is a much simpler and less costly permit to obtain.  The major difference is the permits do not go through a municipal engineering review and they are not inspected by municipal personnel.   

Property Maintenance Code   

Code Abatement Enforcement

Code Abatement is responsible for structures that do not have an active building permit. Code Abatement Officers investigate and respond to complaints related took performed without permits, improperly licensed individuals or contractors, issues with dangerous buildings, and vacant buildings. In addition, officers perform business license inspections, and code compliance inspections of damage caused by fire, water, earthquake, snow, wind, and vehicle impact.