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Septic System Permits

New construction or upgrades to a septic system for a single-family or duplex home requires a permit.  To obtain a septic permit; a system design, with the soils and site information is submitted to the On-Site Water and Wastewater Section by a registered civil engineer.  The permit application is reviewed by staff to ensure that it meets the requirements of Anchorage Municipal Code and if requirements are met a permit is issued.


Water System Permits

A new well or a water storage system for a single family or duplex home requires a permit.  To obtain a well permit, a site plan showing specific information must be submitted to the On-Site Water and Wastewater Section. The application package will be reviewed by staff to ensure it meets the requirements of the Anchorage Municipal Code and if requirements are met a permit is issued.


Learn More​​

​Owner's Guide for wells and septic

 ​This guide was developed with the homeowner in mind to assist them in operating and maintaining their private water and wastewater systems.

Certificate of On-Sit​e Systems Approval (COSA)

Municipal code requires a home with a septic system or well to have a COSA prior to the transfer of ownership.  The seller is responsible for obtaining this certificate, which certifies a registered engineer has tested the on-site systems, that they are adequate for the home they serve, and that they meet code requirements. The test results and other data collected are submitted to the On-Site Section for review and issuance of the COSA. The Department randomly selects systems for site inspection.

If code required separation distances cannot be met, a home may be eligible for a separation distance waiver for the well or septic system, which is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Subdivision​ Using Water and Wastewater systems

New Subdivisions within the Municipality of Anchorage that will be served by well and/or septic systems require a review.  The subdivision review includes assessment of site conditions and the ability of the site to support these systems.  Costs of subdivision reviews are included in the fees paid to the Planning Department.

​Lists​ of Well & Septic Contractors and Engineers

The On-Site Water and Wastewater Section requires excavators, well drillers and well pump installers to be certified. The On-Site Section conducts ​seminars for engineers, excavators, well drillers and well pump installers for this purpose.​

Learn More

Codes, Policies, and Guidelines

The following Codes, Policies and Guidelines ​apply to private well and septic systems serving up to two dwelling units within the Municipality of ​Anchorage.


Definition for terms commonly used in relation to wells and septic systems.

​​​​For more information, contact us at ​343-7904