​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Our objectives within the Municipality are to:

  • Ensure the Municipality of Anchorage is federally compliant under Title VI laws 
  • Ensure Non-Discrimination on federally assisted projects 
  • Ensure employees and people doing business with the Municipality o​f Anchorage are treated fairly 
  • Ensure that Minority, Disadvantaged, Woman-owned and Small Businesses have equal opportunity 
  • Provide resources and assistance to Minority, Disadvantaged, Woman-owned and Small Businesses​

Municipality of Anchorage DBE FAA G​oal Methodology 2025-2027

Municipality of Anchorage DBE FTA Goal Methodology 2025-2027​


We host a variety of events and actively participate in events around the community, follow us on social media to see what we’re up to!​


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