​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Housing & Homelessness Neighborhood Development Commission​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The HHAND Commission advises the M​ayor and the Assembly on issues related to long and short-term housing, homeless and community development needs in the Municipality and strategies to effect revitalization of lower-income and at risk neighborhoods.​

How to Participate

HHAND Commission meetings occur via Microsoft Teams or in person at the Anchorage Health Department Building 825 L. Street, Room #423. The monthly HHAND Commission mee​ting is held on the first Wednesday​ of the ​​month from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.  When special needs/issues arise, the Commission or staff may request an additional meeting or form a sub-committee. All meetings are open to the public​.​​ For documents relevent to the meeting, please refer to the hyperlinks along the right side of this page.​

The next HHAND Commission meeting is scheduled to be held ​​​​March 05​, 2025 from 4:00-5​:30 p.m.

Or call in (audio only)
+1 907-519-0237 Conference ID: 327 412 486 # ​​

​​The Commission will have a work session on 3/17/25 from 10AM - 12PM to create their annual report. It will be held in person at the Anchorage Health Department 4th floor conference room (#423), 825 L Street, Anchorage AK 99501. It will also be available for attending via teams. Click here ​for the link to the meeting (different link than the usual monthly meeting). 
Meeting ID: 239 579 878 251 Passcode: uk3tD2tP

  • Review and make recommendations on the proposed allocation of all federal, state and municipal revenues targeted for housing and community development programs managed by the municipality. 
  • Identify and address long- and short-term housing issues in Anchorage, including strategies to stabilize and monitor the housing market, achieve a range of housing options for sale and for rent and cost-effective and socially responsible strategies to preserve or increase the supply of affordable housing.
  • Advise the mayor and assembly on policies, practices, and legislation that impacts housing and community development issue, neighborhood revitalization strategies, and progress related to plans and program goals. ​
  • Advise the planning and zoning commission about relevant housing and community development issues and their connection with land use controls.​
  • Participate in the development and implementation of the housing and community development consolidated plan by providing information and policy advice about municipality’s housing and community development needs and priorities. 
  • Advise the mayor and assembly as to the infrastructure, facilities, transportation and public services needs of lower income and at risk neighborhoods.​​​
  • Facilitate public participation in housing and neighborhood revitalization policies, plans, strategies and programs.
  • Coordinate with the Anchorage Continuum of Care in the development and implementation of the Anchorage plan to address homelessness.
  • Advise the mayor and assembly on issues related to homelessness.
  • Report to the mayor and assembly on the progress of the Anchorage plan to address homelessness.  The report shall be presented on or before June 1 of each year and shall include recommendations for specific actions to implement the plan.​​
  • Perform such other duties as the mayor or assembly may delegate from time to time.​
HHAND ​​Commission Members
Seat 1--Michelle Baker
Seat 2--Julie Greene-Graham
Seat 3--Daniel Sager
Seat 4--Jessica Parks
Seat 5--William Scott
Seat 6--David Rittenberg
Seat 7--Laura Reijns
Seat 8--Vacant
Seat 9--Richard Mystrom

The HHAND Advisory Commission has 9 members. This commission shall include a minimum of four (4) members who represent the homeless population, non-profit agencies, public safety, business, school district, government officials, the faith community, lower-income neighborhoods, or charitable organizations. The remainder of the commission shall be composed of members who experience disabilities, and representatives of the following interests: the real estate industry, the banking industry, the multi-family development industry, non-profit housing organizations, homebuilders, or supportive housing providers.  The Commission is led by a chairperson and co-chair. Commissioner's three year terms are appointed on a rotating basis, so that a third of the seats come up for appointment or reappointment yearly.  To submit an application go to:  Commission Seat Application​ 
