The HHAND Commission advises the Mayor and the Assembly on issues related to long and short-term housing, homeless and community development needs in the Municipality and strategies to effect revitalization of lower-income and at risk neighborhoods.How to Participate
HHAND Commission meetings occur via Microsoft Teams or in person at the Anchorage Health Department Building 825 L. Street, Room #423. The monthly HHAND Commission meeting is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. When special needs/issues arise, the Commission or staff may request an additional meeting or form a sub-committee. All meetings are open to the public. For documents relevent to the meeting, please refer to the hyperlinks along the right side of this page.
The next HHAND Commission meeting is scheduled to be held March 05, 2025 from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Or call in (audio only)
The Commission will have a work session on 3/17/25 from 10AM - 12PM to create their annual report. It will be held in person at the Anchorage Health Department 4th floor conference room (#423), 825 L Street, Anchorage AK 99501. It will also be available for attending via teams. Click here for the link to the meeting (different link than the usual monthly meeting). Meeting ID: 239 579 878 251 Passcode: uk3tD2tP
- Review and make recommendations on the proposed allocation of all federal, state and municipal revenues targeted for housing and community development programs managed by the municipality.
- Identify and address long- and short-term housing issues in Anchorage, including strategies to stabilize and monitor the housing market, achieve a range of housing options for sale and for rent and cost-effective and socially responsible strategies to preserve or increase the supply of affordable housing.
- Advise the mayor and assembly on policies, practices, and legislation that impacts housing and community development issue, neighborhood revitalization strategies, and progress related to plans and program goals.
- Advise the planning and zoning commission about relevant housing and community development issues and their connection with land use controls.
- Participate in the development and implementation of the housing and community development consolidated plan by providing information and policy advice about municipality’s housing and community development needs and priorities.
- Advise the mayor and assembly as to the infrastructure, facilities, transportation and public services needs of lower income and at risk neighborhoods.
- Facilitate public participation in housing and neighborhood revitalization policies, plans, strategies and programs.
- Coordinate with the Anchorage Continuum of Care in the development and implementation of the Anchorage plan to address homelessness.
- Advise the mayor and assembly on issues related to homelessness.
- Report to the mayor and assembly on the progress of the Anchorage plan to address homelessness. The report shall be presented on or before June 1 of each year and shall include recommendations for specific actions to implement the plan.
- Perform such other duties as the mayor or assembly may delegate from time to time.
HHAND Commission Members
Seat 1--Michelle Baker
Seat 2--Julie Greene-Graham
Seat 3--Daniel Sager
Seat 4--Jessica Parks
Seat 5--William Scott
Seat 6--David Rittenberg
Seat 7--Laura Reijns
Seat 8--Vacant
Seat 9--Richard Mystrom
The HHAND Advisory Commission has 9 members. This commission shall include a minimum of four (4) members who represent the homeless population, non-profit agencies, public safety, business, school district, government officials, the faith community, lower-income neighborhoods, or charitable organizations. The remainder of the commission shall be composed of members who experience disabilities, and representatives of the following interests: the real estate industry, the banking industry, the multi-family development industry, non-profit housing organizations, homebuilders, or supportive housing providers. The Commission is led by a chairperson and co-chair. Commissioner's three year terms are appointed on a rotating basis, so that a third of the seats come up for appointment or reappointment yearly. To submit an application go to: Commission Seat Application