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​WIC supports healthy eating and lifestyles to help you and your family thrive. We have lessons tailored to WIC participants on WIChealth.org that cover topics like infant feeding, breastfeeding, pregnancy and postpartum nutrition, tackling picky eating, and much more!

How to register with WIChealth.org 

  1. Go to wichealth.org
  2. Click “Sign up”
  3. Select “Alaska” as your state
  4. Under Agency Select:
    • Municipality Of Anchorage
  5. Under Clinic select:
    • L St, JBER or Eagle River
  6. For WIC ID Enter :
    • ​​Your last name and birth date MMDDYY (Example: smith102918)
  7. Create a username, enter a good email address for password recovery, and create your password
  8. Remember to keep your login information for future use!
  9. Select a security question and answer.
  10. Click “Register”
  11. Enter your first name and date of birth and answer profile questions
  12. Click “Finish Profile”
  13. Click “Start Lesson” and complete a lesson under one of the five categories
  14. Complete the lesson & fill out the end of lesson questions
  15. Click “Submit”
  16. Log into your email to verify your account​


Equal Opportunity Provider
WIC is an equal opportunity provider. Full Non-Discrimination Statement