

Alden Thern​​

Scott Lee
​​Principal Auditor

Dalton Benson
Senior Auditor

Kevin Song
Senior Auditor

Meredith Basdaras
Anchorage School District Auditor

Albert Dordan
Audit Technician

The Internal Audit Department staff of six includes a Director, a Principal Auditor, three Senior Auditors and an Audit Technician.

Minimum qualifications for a Principal or Senior Auditor require a Bachelor’s degree or higher in a field emphasizing analytical skills, research, and organization of data. The current audit staff provides the Municipality with a combined total of over 19 years of auditing experience.

Governmental Auditing Standards Section 4.16 requires that each auditor complete, every two years, at least 80 hours of continuing professional education that directly enhance the auditor's professional proficiency to perform audits. At least 24 of the 80 hours should be in subjects directly related to government auditing, the government environment, or the specific or unique environment in which the audited entity operates. At least 20 hours of the 80 should be completed in any one year of the two-year period. The courses taken by the audit staff to fulfill this requirement help keep them up to date with the latest auditing techniques and aware of current audit issues.