The 2003 Healthy Forest Reforestation Act (HFRA) directs communities at risk of wildfire to develop a risk assessment and mitigation plan. Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) are a collaborative effort between wildfire suppression agencies, federal, state and local governments, community groups, and individuals (Alaska DOF).
This page is designed to communicate project benchmarks, provide access to public meetings and minutes from those meetings.
Project Framework
In 2024, the Municipality of Anchorage released a Request for Proposals, seeking a contractor to spearhead the work associated with this project. A team of municipal employees from several departments, and considered subject matter experts in their fields, reviewed proposals submitted to the Municipality. At the conclusion of this evaluation, Bintel Inc. was chosen as the contractor. Throughout the entirety of this project, muliple agencies and experts will contribute to the final product. Most importantly, community members will be solicited for feedback and provided with opportunities to meet with the Project Team.
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