
Recreational and Cooking Fires

When burning a recreational fire, be a good neighbor and consider how your fire affects your neighbors. Recreational burning that will be offensive or objectionable because of smoke or odor emissions is prohibited by the Municipal Clean Air Code​.  

Burning trash, yard debris, leaves, construction material, woody debris including Spruce Bark Beetle wood, is prohibited in the Municipality of Anchorage.

A recreational fire is allowed if it is contained and less than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height. These fires must be located in a cleared area at least 25 feet from any structure, power poles, vehicles, trees, brush and dead grass. This includes barbecue pits. These fires must comply with the approved recreational burning notice recorded at 267-5020 or on the website.

A proposed recreational or ceremonial fire that exceeds 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height and is smaller than 6 feet in diameter may be eligible for a burn permit if it follows all of the safe burning standards.  Burn permits require an inspection.  You must schedule at least two weeks prior to the event; permit and inspection fees apply.  Please call Fire Prevention at 267-4901 to schedule or for more information.

Portable Outdoor Fireplaces

Guidelines for recreational fires contained within an approved outdoor fireplace:

    Example of Approved Portable Outdoor Fireplace
  • the total area is 3 feet or less in diameter and 2 feet or less in height
  • ​it is situated 15 feet or more from a structure*
  • it has a spark arrestor, chimney stack or screen over the top
  • the unit is elevated off the ground over a non-combustible surface

*While one and two-family dwellings are exempt from separation requirements, if the recreational fire creates or adds to a hazardous situation or produces objectionable smoke, the Fire Department is authorized to order extinguishment.

Burn Barrels are Not Permitted in the Muni

Burn Barrels are not permitted within the Municipality of Anchorage. 

Recreational fires including the use of portable outdoor fireplaces shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished.  A means to extinguish the fire such as a fire extinguisher, sand or water source must be available for immediate utilization. 

Please remember that failure to follow these guidelines and restrictions may result in possible fines and/or legal action. You are responsible for your fire and you are liable if it gets out of control.

Barbecue Grills

Barbecue grills are allowed for use and storage on the deck of one and two family homes.

For multi-unit structures with 3 or more units:

  • the grill itself can be stored on the deck, but the propane cannot
  • the grill cannot be used on the deck unless the building and the deck are sprinklered
  • if not sprinklered, grill use must be on a non-combustible surface and 10 feet away from any combustible building
  • the use of contained barbecue grills is not dependent upon burn day approval​​



​​Related Links​​

Button Linking to Wood Lot Information

Button Linking to Current Wildfires Map

Contact Us


Wildfire Division

(907) 267-4930

CWPP & Firewise Inquiries​
(907) 267-4902​​
