​​​​​​​​​​​​​Municipal Wood Lot​ Information​

​​​​​​​​Midtown Anchorage Wood Lot

The wood lot at the Solid Waste Services Central Transfer Station at
1310 E. 56th Ave. is open to Anchorage residents Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM.

​​Please visit the Solid Waste Services web page for information regarding hours and approved materials. ​​​​

Phone: 907-343-6250

Email: swcs@muni.org


Eagle River Wood Lot​

The Eagle River Wood Lot is operated by Solid Waste Services and is located at the Anchorage Regional Landfill, at the Hiland Road exit from the Glenn Highway:

 15500 Eagle River Loop ​​Road.

The Solid Waste Eagle River Wood Lot is open May 17-August 31 for 2024.

​​Please visit the Solid Waste Services web page for information regarding hours and approved materials. ​​​​

Phone: 907-343-6250

Email: swcs@muni.org

Girdwood Wood Lot​​

Girdwood Wildfire Mitigation Day

Saturday June 15 10am-2pm

Free brush chipping at the Girdwood Fire Station provided by Chugach Electric Association.

Live browse will be collected for the Anchorage Wildlife Conservation Center. Woodchips will be used at AWCC and in Forest Fair Park. No logs or construction debris.​




​​Related Links

Button Linking to Burn Permits 

Button Linking to Firewise Information 

Button Linking to Community Fire Planning 

Contact Us


Wildfire Division

(907) 267-4930

CWPP & Firewise Inquiries​
(907) 267-4902​​