Untitled 1

Zoning Districts

See MyNeighborhood to find your zoning district.

The Municipality of Anchorage is divided into Zoning Districts in order to implement the Comprehensive Plan in a manner which protects the public health, safety, welfare and economic vitality. More information about the Comprehensive Plan can be found on the Planning Department's Publications page.

Basic information about each Zoning District can be found in AMC Title 21, in Chapter 4.

Chapter 5 of Title 21 contains the table of allowed uses which details the uses allowed in each zoning district.

The requirements for lot dimensions, building bulk, density, location and height for all types of development are found in Chapter 6.

The following summary of lot size, setback and other requirements is just that - a summary.  There are exceptions and complexities to every item.  Please familiarize yourself with each topic by following the links provided.  If you have any questions, the Land Use Review Section can verify the requirements of a particular lot to assist in planning your project.

Residential Districts

R-1, R-1A, R-2A, R-2D, R-2M, R-3, R-4, R-5,

R-6, R-7, R-8, R-9, R-10

Business Districts

B-1A, B-1B, B-2A, B-2B, B-2C, B-3, B-4, R-O, MC

Industrial Districts

I-1, I-2,  MI

Other Districts



Chugiak-Eagle River

Zoning districts that apply only in Chugiak-Eagle River are in Chapter 21.10 of the code. If using the online version of the code, search "21.10.010" for more information.


In November, 2005 the Assembly created 29 new zoning districts that apply only in Girdwood, found in Chapter 21.09.  If you are using the online version of the code, search "21.09.010" for more information.

Special Limitations

The Assembly may impose special limitations as part of any rezoning.  The district will be shown on the zoning maps with an SL  suffix and will also have the AO number of the ordinance that established the special limitations.  Any provision of the underlying district regulations that is not superceded by a special limitation still applies.

How to get an official ordinance or code section

Rezoning ordinances are available from zoning staff by calling (907) 343-7943, or if you know the ordinance number, from the Municipal Clerk's Office.

If you use the online version of the code, try searching on the AMC section ("21.06.020" for example.)  Please note that recent amendments may not have been published yet.  Land Use Review will be happy to verify the current code language for you.