2025 Resolutions2025-01 Support for AO 2024-114(S) Girdwood Comprehensive Plan2025-02 Mt Hood fish culvert2025-03 Alyeska Highway Speed Limit and traffic calming2025-04 Marijuana tax for Girdwood Childcare and Early Education2024 Resolutions2024 GBOS Resolution listGratitude Amanda SassiGratitude Guy WadeGratitude Gerrish Library StaffResolution of Service GFD MembersResolution of Service Rich Parry
2024-01 AO 2023-110(S) STR Regulation amendments2024-02 MOA 7 day Traffic Study2024-03 Girdwood Comprehensive Plan2024-04 Alyeska Resort AMP and DMP2024-05 Alyeska Resort Commercial Tract Fragmentation Lot Plan2024-06 Bikewood Phase 2 trails2024-07 Girdwood Comprehensive Plan2024-08 Girdwood Comprehensive Plan with objection to specific PZC Items2024-09 GTC RTP Application bridge project2024-10 Code amendment allow Mixed Use Development gC-1 gC-22024-11 GNSC RTP Application culvert project2024-12 AWWU Water main extension2024-13 Capital funds for Childcare building 20242024-14 Request to Underground Power Lines Town Center2024-15 Community Council Boundary for Girdwood2024-15 Community Council Boundary amended 1.252024-16 Project Anchorage GW Arts and Recreation
2023 Resolutions2023 GBOS Resolution list
Service Resolution Kyle KelleyService Resolution Carolyn BrodinService Resolution Linda Mankoff
2023-01 Rescinded and pending new resolution: see 2023-042023-02 MOA seek funds for Girdwood Fire and Rescue2023-03 GTC application for KMTA Grant2023-04 Holtan Hills Land Disposal Rejection2023-05 GVSA Lions Club KMTA grant2023-06 Turnouts GFD2023-07 Girdwood Bear Aware KMTA Grant2023-08 Crow Creek Neighborhood Land Use Plan2023-09 No Parking signs and posts at VCF2023-10 Cemetery as Areawide Power2023-11 Intra-gov permit for AWWU substation2023-12 GFD Purchase Engine 412023-12 GFD Purchase Engine rev2023-13 GFD Purchase Hose2023-14 Transportation plan2023-15 Glacier Creek Bridge on Winner Creek Trail2023-16 No parking signs on Donner2023-17 Property Tax Exemption for GFD Volunteers2023-18 Middle INHT RTP grant application2023-19 Lions Club Pavilion LWCF grant2023-20 Glacier Creek Bank erosion2023-21 Bikewood RTP Grant Application2023-22 Little Bears Grant2023-23 GFD EMS Funding Increase2023-24 Girdwood Trails Plan2023-25 Cemetery Bond 20242023-26 STR Principles resolution
Letters of ObjectionGBOS Objection to ADL 234206
2022 Resolutions2022 GBOS Resolution listResolution of Service for Tim Charnon2022-01 Glacier City Center Development Master Plan2022-02 Suspension Bridge for Winner Creek Trail2022-03 KMTA Grant regarding hand tram interpretive info2022-04 Dimensional Variance Stream Setback Ausman2022-05 Assembly reapportionment maps2022-06 GVSA Lions Club Anchorage Park Foundation Grant2022-07 Alyeska Housing II DMP2022-08 Alaska Senate Redistricting2022-09 CAPSIS Funding for Glacier Creek Bridge2022-10 House Bill 4112022-11 Ruane Road ARPA Funding2022-12 Girdwood Clinic Mod Phase 22022-13 Alaska Constitution2022-14 Holtan Hills 2022-15 Fire Department Turnouts2022-16 Fire Department vehicles2022-17 STR Study2022-18 GCLT Ground Lease Tract G-62022-19 Gerrish Library2022-20 Girdwood Cemetery bonding 20232022-21 MOA Traffic Calming Studies2022-22 SOA Traffic Calming Study on Mt. Hood2022-23 Amendment or revocation of Holtan Hills Development Agreement2022-24 Whittier Police Services Contract 2023 GBOS resolution2022-25 KEUL Revocable Land Permit2022-26 Housing and Economic Stability Power2022-26 Housing and Economic Stability Power amended2022-27 CTP Grant for Vail Timberline paving2022-28 CTP Grant for Mt Hood Davos Lake Tahoe fish culverts2022-29 TAP Grant to rehab & repave Arlberg pedestrian path
Letters of Objection:LOO Alyeska Highway InterchangeLOO Holtan Hills Land Disposal under Development Agreement
2021 Resolutions2021 GBOS Resolution list2021-01 Recycling Text Amendment2021-02 Hawes Dimensional Variance2021-03 Parking Code Amendment2021-04 GTC KMTA Grant application2021-05 GBA KMTA grant application2021-06 Girdwood Clinic design variance2021-07 Girdwood Clinic Major Site Plan Review2021-08 replace yield signs with stop signs2021-09 Areawide 1Q Revision re EMS funding2021-10 USDOT RAISE grant2021-11 Domestic Violence2021-12 No parking Timberline at Virgin Creek Trailhead2021-13 T21C9 parking code revision2021-14 CUP Larson Lot 12021-15 Community Garden Code Change2021-17 ADU Code change2021-18 Attainable Housing in HLB Disposal Agreement2021-19 Text Amendment GW Clinic Phase 32021-20 Bikewood grant applications for Mountain Bike Park2021-21 GCLT community garden 2021-22 HLB Rezone GIP to gR32021-23 Sale of HLB land to USFS
Letters of ObjectionLOO 1011 Alyeska Hwy
2020 Resolutions2020 GBOS Resolution list2020-01 Alyeska Nordic Day Spa Development Master Plan2020-02 Historic Preservation Commission CLG Grant2020-03 GFR Air Compressor purchase2020-04 Girdwood Brewing Co Conditional and Special Land Use Permits2020-05 KMTA Grant Application2020-06 Jack Sprat Parking2020 Christina Hendrickson Service2020-07 Girdwood Clinic Temporary trailer2020-08 CARES Act funding2020-09 Stream Setback Variance Obrien2020-10 Little Bears in GRST22020-11 Resolution against Racism2020-12 GFR 2019 bridge loan repayment2020-13 Local Landmark Register Ordinance2020-14 Exemption from 23.45.507.1 (Sprinklers)2020-15 Secondary road access variance2020-16 Support to Replace E41 in the GVSA2020-17 Areawide Bond replace R41
Letters of Objection:LOO CUP Powder RunLOO Platting Board Variance S125322019 Resolutions2019 GBOS Resolution list2019-01 2019-02 KMTA Grant Trail Building Tools 2019-03 KMTA Girdwood Bear Aware 2019-04 Variance for 119 Stowe Place 2019-05 Girdwood INHT Phase 2 APF Grant2019-06 GAP Independent of Government2019-07 The Herbal Cache LLC2019-08 Change T21C9 re ADUS2019-09 AO 2019-74-(S) 2019-10 GTC KMTA Signage Grant2019-11 Sladen J Mohl Ball Field2019-12 DOT Alyeska Highway CTP Grant application2019-13 GVSA Arlberg CTP Grant2019-14 GVSA Community Building Bond Amended 11.18.192019-15 Whittier Police Service Contract 2020-232019-16 GFR equipment purchase2019-17 Girdwood INHT.pdf2019-18 Sole Source Contract for Girdwood Trail Plan2019-19 Text amendment food trucks gC102019-20 Garmish and Echo no parking signs
2018 Resolutions2018 GBOS Resolution list.doc 2018-01 Fernie Loop Variance 2018-02 Stream Setbacks 2018-03 HLB Industrial Park 2018-04 AO2018-15 APD on Seward Highway 2018-05 Girdwood Area Plan Update 2018-06 Directional signage on Alyeska Highway 2018-07 Relationship between GBOS and Girdwood Fire and Rescue 2018-08 Dog Day 2018-09 Clarification of GBOS Resolution 2017-08 2018-10 Child care facility text amendment 2018-11 Taos Road Conditional Use permit 2018-12 The Herbal Cache MOA license renewal 2018-13 Girdwood Iditarod National Historic Trail 2018-14 Girdwood Brewing Co License 2018-15 Hatcheries 2018-16 Seward Highway Interchange 2018-17 Marijuana On-Site Consumption2018-18 Bear resistant cans
2017 Resolutions 2017 Summary List
2017-01 Rental of space for police substation 2017-02 Seward Highway law enforcement confirmation 2017-03 Municipal funding for Glacier Valley Transit 2017-04 Marijuana retail sales text amendment in GRST-1 and GRST-2 2017-05 Creation of East Peninsula Highway Emergency Service Area 2017-06 Construction of trails by GMBA 2017-07 Cortina Road Dimensional Variance 2017-08 Conceptual plans for multi use trail by GNSC 2017-09 Community Garden 2017-10 Girdwood Community Club Lease 2017-11 Girdwood Valley Trails Management Plan 2017-12 Girdwood Iditarod National Historic Trail construction 2017-13 Industrial Park portions inclusion in wetland mitigation bank 2017-14 Parking enforcement by non-APD officers in Girdwood 2017-15 MOA fund $200,000 toward APD patrol on the Seward Highway 2017-16 Grant from Alaska Mental Health Transit Grant for Challenge Alaska 2017-17 Continuation of APD patrol on the Seward Highway 2017-18 End of life options legislation
2016 Resolutions 2016 Summary List 2016-02 Encumbrance for Girdwood Fire Hall construction 2016-03 Process for Marijuana Establishment Special Land Permits in Girdwood 2016-04 Girdwood 2020 effort to promote enforcement on Seward Highway by AST 2016-05 Girdwood Iditarod National Historic Trail construction 2016-06 Major Site Plan Review of New Girdwood Townsite Lot 20, Block 1 (Ski Inn) 2016-07 Reconsider withdrawal of Alaska State Troopers from Girdwood service 2016-08 School Bus Service for Girdwood K-8 2016-09 Girdwood Health Clinic temporary mobile office unit 2016-10 Vote By Mail ballot drop box at the Girdwood Community Center 2016-11 Housing added to mixed purpose community complex concept 2016-12 Special Land Use Permit for brewery 2016-13 Change site and season of US Navy training in Gulf of Alaska 2016-14 Challenge Alaska funding from Alaska Mental Health Trust Transit Grant 2016-15 GVSA Annex HLB property with trails and trailheads2016-16 Fee waiver for Girdwood Forest Fair
2015 Resolutions 2015 Summary List
2015-01 Little Bears Lease 2015-02 Time Extension to deal with public safety issue 2015-03 Girdwood to act as community council 2015-04 Text amendment for brewery 2015-05 Easements on Egloff Drive 2015-06 Lions Club Park dedication 2015-07 Support for Challenge Alaska 2015-08 Fire Dept Election and hiring chief 2015-09 GVSA Public Safety tax on ballot