
​Community and Economic Development Committee

The mission of the Assembly Community & Economic Development Committee is to evaluate and make recommendations to refine Municipal Code and processes to encourage efficient government, responsible development, and healthy economic growth. Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month from 9 - 10:30​ a.m. in-person at Development Services, 4700 Elmore Road, Training Room, or remotely by Teams, unless otherwise indicated ​


NEXT MEETING:   ​Thursday, January 9, 2025​​​​​ - HYBRID ​meetingAgenda
The public may attend the meeting in person or remotely by Teams link below. ​


  • ​​​

To participate remotely, please use the below link or dial in number: 

Microsoft Teams Need help? 
Join the meeting now​

​Dial in by phone: ​​

+1 907-519-0237 ​​
Phone conference ID: 319 576 488#

Annual Workplan Notes

​PREVIOUS MEETINGS: For detailed Comm​ittee discussion, please refer to the recording of this meeting located on the Municipal Website at WatchNow
​​​Links to YouTube videos of the meetings can be found on the Municipal Meetings page (Municipal Meetings) by clicking on the “view media" link next to the corresponding meeting date. “View media" links are posted at least one hour before the scheduled meeting time and remain archived for future viewing. 

December 5, 2024​​​​​ - REMOTE ONLY ​meeting - Agenda

November 7, 2024​​​​​ - HYBRID meeting - ​​​​​​Agenda

October 3, 2024​​​​​ - HYBRID meeting - ​​Agenda​​​

September 5, 2024​​​​​ - HYBRID meeting - Agenda

​August 1, 2024​​​​​ - HYBRID meetingAgenda

​July 11, 2024​​​​​ - HYBRID meetingAgenda

June 6, 2024​​​​​ - HYBRID meeting - Updated Agenda

May 2, 2024​​​​​ - Agenda

April 18, 2024​​​​​ - CANCELLED​​

April 9, 2024​​​​​ - Agenda

March 19, 2024​​​​​ - Agenda

February 22​, 2024​​​​ - ​Updated Agenda

February 8​, 2024​​​ - Agenda

January 18​, 2024​​​ ​- UPDATED Agenda

January 4​, 2024​​​ - Agenda UPDATED


Assembly Member Martinez​, Chair​
Assembly Member Myers​, Vice-Chair​

Assembly Member Brawley​
Assembly Member Bronga
Assembly Member Constant
​​Assembly Member Johnson
​Assembly Member Perez-Verdia
Assembly Member Volland


​Mandy Honest, Business License Official

Email: wwmasmc@anchorageak.gov